Bitcoin price prediction with traditional ML algorithms and some simple common Neural Networks (LSTM, RNN, GRU, CNN, DNN) (Pattern Recognition course)
MASON based multi-agent pandemic disease simulation (Multi-Agent Systems course)
Image denoising with DeepImagePrior (DIP) and improve the results by mixing two ideas (Deep Learning course)
Keyword extraction for Persian with common algorithms and comparing them + gathering a dataset for it from open-source journals abstracts and suggested keywords (DataMining Lab)
Working on Spell correction algorithm for Persian with a bi-directional LSTM model (DataMining Lab)
Risk Analysis with Bayesian Networks
NLP sequence classification project with BERTforSequenceClassification model
Keypoint Analysis as Final Project for NLP course
Railroad track classification by series of speed and acceleration of the train
Design of Mano computer in Proteus for Computer Architecture course
Implementing a simple architecture of a network for Advanced Programming Course
Designing a Clock Divider for Digital Design course (tested on Spartan 3 board)
Design of Mano computer in Verilog for CAD course
Design of a simple trained MLP neural network for CAD course
Worked on MIAOW GPU as an optional project with Dr. Falahati (specifically adding Neda (Supporting Direct Inter-Core Neighbor Data Exchange in GPUs) to MIAOW GPU
Ball hit detection system in Matlab for Signals and Systems course
Tank game with Pygame for Basic Programming course
Working on low power and light weight implementation of CNN’s on hardware as a research project
Design of a data base system for online shopping center for Database Systems Design course
Implement a picture people presence system by image processing
Openai-Gym Boxing Env with DQN for Artificial Intelligence course
Implement Stock market simple prediction with time series analysis in Deep Learning course
Final Project: Presentation and implementation of an algorithm for constituency parsing of sentences in Persian